Friday 24 May 2013

Only for medicinal purposes, of course!

It's been quite some time since I lasted posted a blog on here, I'm not entirely sure where the time has gone. Time just kind of slips by, doesn't it? A day turns into a week, a week into a month and before you know it, it's almost June!

I had every intention of posting on here last week, after my mum's visit for her 80th birthday, to tell you all our tales of adventure, however, on the eve of my mum leaving (last Sunday) I started to come down with some bug or another and have, since Monday, been in bed suffering and feeling incredibly sorry for myself. Thank goodness for my amazing wife who has made sure that, even though she has had to get up and go to work every morning, I had a tray of supplies including a flask of tea, fresh orange juice with the juicy bits, sandwiches and other goodies by the side of my sick bed so that I didn't have to get up or worry about looking after myself, well, other than remembering to pop the next lot of Lemsip capsules at the appropriate times! It really was awful, though. It's been quite some time since I've suffered from a cold like that, especially during the 'Summer', at least, that's it's official title, I'd probably describe it as more of an '8 month winter'!. I had achey pretty much everything, painful joints, a nose that bore more resemblance to a leaky tap than a facial feature! I know what you're thinking, 'pretty'...well, it's not really the look I was going for, but, hey-ho, these things can't be helped!

Anywho.....yes, so it's all been a bit manic. Life I mean. I'm not entirely sure what it is that I've been manically doing but, it feels like it's been busy.

Last week was lovely. It was my mum's 80th birthday and so she came to visit us for a week and we did lots of lovely things to celebrate in an attempt to make it special for her. I think we managed it. We had a couple of trips into London, went on the London Eye and on a  river cruise, blimey, that day was absolutely freezing (just for a change!). I wouldn't be at all surprised If that was when I picked up the bug I ended the week with this week. We ate Japanese food, mum's first time, I think it was a success , although, I don't think she'll be racing out to have it again! We went to see a dancing type show in the West End, she loved this part, I think probably her favorite bit, in fact. Went out for Afternoon tea. Visited Tiptree Jam, and much more. We were all absolutely exhausted.

Then on the Friday, my sister came down for a surprise visit from Scotland and we all spent a couple of days together. All in all it went pretty well, all things considered. It's just a shame that I managed to pick up a bug which meant I had to spend a week in bed. Not that I object to being in bed, in fact, I love being in bed, I'd just prefer it be because I'm enjoying a lay in rather than because I'm unable to get out!

Anyway, I'm well on the road to recovery now and am just left with a snotty hooter (again, nice!) and a husky voice but I don't hear my wife complaining so I'm guessing that's not such a bad thing, all things considered! And not a moment too soon as we've got another hectic weekend coming up full of trips into London, watching shows in the West End and I suppose we're going to have to try and fit in some beer drinking at some point, only for medicinal purposes, of course!

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